Hello everyone. I am getting ready to start baking my goodies. Thank you for sticking with me as I spent the summer flipping houses in other states.
Now I'm back in Cuchillo. I just need to finish some things up before I begin baking. Holiday ordering will be open well in advance of the holidays. Please like and follow my Facebook and MeWe pages or follow us here on our website.
On this site, you will also find our pecan orchard (we share a page). We will have a small harvest in December and, in February, we will be planting over 250 new pecan trees.
Rest assured, my mother in law Bernice Ritch, is teaching me how to make her famous pecan pies...the ones they used to sell at the pecan festival. They will be available around the holidays if we get a good harvest from the trees we have.
Again, like and follow our pages for updates and details. Gants Family Orchard does have a FB page as well. Thank you!